"Sometimes you don't know you're thirsty until you find water," he said.
"Tell me more," I replied.
"Well, our forum has been together for eight years. We've run the course of business issues and for the last year it's been kind of flat. I know there are issues in our lives that we're not addressing... sense of purpose, empty nesting, aging parents, a couple kids falling off the rails... we've wanted to go there, but haven't known how."
"So, What do you want to have happen?"
"Well, your book opened up a path and provides a toolkit for getting us to a new level of interaction. It's about coming together as whole people... not just business leaders."
"Hmm. Is that what you want?"
"Ha! Sometimes you do get what you want! And, it's a little uncomfortable. And, it's what we want."
"Nine Friends: Maximizing Your Forum" is now available through my website http://www.vincecorsaro.com/ or at http://www.lulu.com/ and will soon be available from any major book retailer. Pretty cool.