Late one night, one of the pups left a present (read: pooped) in the living room. One by one, each of us four dog owners came
out and said, “Nope, that’s not ____’s” (fill in the blank with our pups name)
and proceeded to go back to whatever we were doing. No one wanted to own the problem. Finally, the guy that didn’t own a dog
cleaned it up I think.
That’s kind of how my body and the western medical world are
getting along. No one wants to own the
problem. They all agree that there is a
benign tumor in my head but they can’t agree on who owns the problem.
There are moments when I lose balance, can’t talk or swallow
right, break out in a full body sweat… essentially , come to a ground halt for
about fifteen minutes until things re-balance and off I go. It started this winter early in most every
ski day and it continues just about anytime my heart rate goes up or my
breathing gets out of whack. Too much pressure on the right-side jugular vein.
- Neurosurgeon in the Desert said, “Too many lions and tigers in the tumor’s neighborhood. Not mine. Go to UCLA.”
- UCLA Surgeon #1 said “Nope. Not a Glomis Jugulare. You’re not mine.”
- UCLA Surgeon #2 said “You might be mine with a Meningioma, but come back when you can’t talk or swallow.”
- The Internal Medicine Doc said “It’s not of interest to our office. That’s the Neurologist’s."
- Last week the Neurologist said “The tumor hasn’t grown and you’re not dizzy or debilitated enough to go back to UCLA. I’ll send you to a cardiologist…”