Sunday, September 30, 2012

What is your body saying?

It's not just about body language.  It's about being attuned to the way our bodies speak to us.

This last week I overdid it a bit with four across-country flights and time with eleven different groups and individuals.  By the time I flew home, my body was talking to me...

"You've been stressed.  Holding all kinds of emotional and challenging stories from others.  Being "on."  When will you rest?"

The truth is, my body knows that I have a ten-day break before getting back in a plane.  It was prepared to do whatever it took to get me to rest.  And so, what started as a little stuffy nose morphed into three days spent in bed hacking and blowing and feeling lousy.  I'm better today but certainly not 100%.

The whole scene is frustratingly familiar.  I write checks my body doesn't want to cash.  I push.  I crash.  And then, I start feeling better, forget about how lousy it was, and off I go.  Wash.  Rinse.  Repeat.

I wonder how it serves me to stay in this cycle? 

What would guide your steps in a gap year?

In March of this year I decided to end all of my current work and take a gap year in 2024.  It’s been a process of letting go, handing off, ...